The initial step in any design project is understanding the vision behind it. Knowing the behind-the-scenes story allows KDG to work with clients and design a plan that will inspire other people to get on board, too. In his book Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”
This is the story of Five14 Church—a church that began with a vision from Lead Pastor Joel Kovacs nearly ten years ago. He wanted to start a church that welcomed people off the main highway in New Albany, Ohio, and he enlisted a team of people who would help him bring it to life. His vision, paired with the execution of his design and construction team, is creating life change in his community.
As complicated as it might seem, the birth of Five14 Church—and all the churches KDG has worked with—can be boiled down to one simple equation: Vision + Execution = Life Change.
Every church is unique in its approach to carrying out its vision. As Will Mancini says in his book God Dreams, “Think about it: God doesn’t stand in heaven with a photocopy machine every time a local church is started. Your church was born an original; don’t let it become a carbon copy on your watch.”
For Five14 Church, the unique mission is simple: welcoming people and their families wherever they are on their journey—and they knew KDG could help them get there. KDG strives to create facilities that are “designed for you.” Whether it’s a multi-faceted church or a single-family home, KDG wants to understand the client’s vision and ultimately turn it into a reality.
Even though the vision for this church started with Joel Kovacs, it quickly caught on in the community. Wes Martin, director of operations at Five14 Church, jumped on board almost immediately. “We want to reach as many people for Christ as possible,” Martin explains. “We looked for several years to find an existing structure that we could remodel—but we couldn’t find anything that fit.”
In the end, it was a trip to Atlanta with the Five14 and KDG teams that inspired the launch of a completely fresh design. “We toured several amazing facilities in Atlanta,” Martin says. “One of them had purchased an old Home Depot and renovated it—and that was when we knew we wanted a simple, unique-looking place where people who don’t know Jesus could come and feel comfortable.” Despite being an unconventional project launch, the vision for Five14 Church was born on that trip—and an eight-hour design session on the way home was the kick-off to the next part of the equation: execution.
In God Dreams, Will Mancini emphasizes the importance of execution when he says, “It has been said that vision without execution is a daydream, and execution without vision is a nightmare.” His point is this: Without a good plan for execution, a vision will fall apart. That’s where KDG comes in to make sure the initial idea is carried out efficiently and effectively. With Five14 Church, they took the time to understand the vision from day one—and the execution process simply became an extension of that vision.
Throughout the design process, there is a fine balance between capturing a vision in its entirety and still keeping up with logistical requirements. With this in mind, KDG focused on understanding the inspiration for the church in light of reality. They worked alongside Five14 Church to understand details like their giving statistics, attendance numbers, and building code requirements. This helped them create initial designs and, ultimately, 3-D elements that gave Five14 Church a visual representation of the future.
Through the hard work of a cohesive project team, the execution of Five14 Church took off. With the help of KDG’s designs and O’Brien Robinson Construction Services, the new facility took shape, staying within the allotted budget without sacrificing any crucial parts of the client’s vision. However, without a devoted project team, there would be no final product—and no lasting life change. It’s important to have open, three-way communication among the client, the design team, and the subcontractors in order to execute a vision that will truly create the change the client envisions.
In the end, Five14 Church is a story of seamless collaboration, where one pastor started with “why” and created a vision that caught fire with a team of supporters who executed it to its fullest.
“KDG was open to all our crazy ideas”
“KDG was open to all our crazy ideas,” says Wes Martin. “We’ve been praying over this property for a decade, and we’ve all had the opportunity to contribute to this long-term vision. This is a legacy for us—knowing that future generations will be impacted because of the work we’ve done together.”
Ultimately, this is what KDG wants for every client: a final project that isn’t just temporary or halfhearted, but rather a final project that leaves a legacy—so everyone who enters it gets to see the results of a beautiful vision that started it all.
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