Handling House Plans: Q + A with Project Manager Noah Zarnosky
Noah Zarnosky was looking for a place to complete an internship after college, when a family friend connected him with Dan Keiser, the founder of Keiser Design Group. Little did Noah know, he was not only being introduced to his future full-time employer; he was meeting one of the most instrumental people in his architectural career.
Read more about Noah’s career journey from intern to handler of house plans.
Where are you originally from and when was it that you first realized that you wanted to be an architect?
I am from Newark, Ohio. I enjoyed playing with Lincoln Logs as a kid and was always excited to create a new cabin. That fascination naturally led me to a career in architecture.
Where did you go to school, and what aspects of your training were the most beneficial?
I went to the Career and Technology Education Center of Licking County my junior and senior year of high school where I studied Architectural and Engineering Design. I also received my Associate Degree in Architectural Engineering Technology at Central Ohio Technical College. I found value in learning how to draw architectural plans using different software.
Why are the technical aspects of architecture so important, and where does your passion for the details come from?
Having exact measurements of each structure is needed for the blueprints to be accurate. Accuracy helps the builders in the field, ensuring projects meet their timeline demands, and overall contributes to a better product. My passion for details probably began as a young child, as whenever I would be building and rebuilding anything I would do it until it was exactly what I wanted. This attention to detail continued as I grew older and took on more responsibility.
Why should all architects have the MicroStation experience in their toolbox?
MicroStation allows architects to electronically create plans and elevations of a structure. It has a lot of tools and features that help assist architects in creating great house plans.
What is it that you most appreciate about working for KDG?
I appreciate working for KDG as they care about and value their employees. I feel Dan and Renee value us more than most CEOs at larger firms, as we have more one-on-one interactions. They are always willing to help and answer any questions that we may have. They often set apart time for us to all eat breakfast or lunch together or gather for a fun team bonding event.
What do you most enjoy about residential architecture?
The thing I enjoy most about residential architecture would be additions and remodels. It is fun to see a space or room in a house transform from drawings into a completely new space. One of my favorite residential projects was a kitchen that I designed. I measured the existing house and created the new kitchen layout. The remodel is now complete, and the kitchen space looks great! However, I also enjoy working on model homes as I have taken a few through from the early design phase all the way to construction documents.
Who has been the most instrumental person in your career journey?
It would not be easy to pick just one person. I have several people who have been instrumental in my career. During my first year at C-TEC my architectural engineering teacher, Mr. Evans, was very influential in my career. Dan has been another influential person, as he has given me the opportunity to pursue my career in architecture. After searching for a year for a place to do my internship, I contacted Dan, and he was willing to meet with me to discuss it. He was the only one who gave me a chance and that means a lot. If it were not for Dan, I am not sure I would have been able to find a job in my field of study. Fellow employees Nate and Ken are influential as they have been a great help teaching me the skills that are required for my job.
What would your advice to an aspiring architect be?
Never give up, be persistent and precise with everything you do, and give everything your 110 percent.